Thursday, May 23, 2013


This was the year we became a minivan family. Four car seats just couldn't seem to fit into any other car. Carpooling, soccer practice (o.k. one soccer practice), and lots of road trips.  We embraced it. So much so that when we found out that we couldn't ship our 2009 Odyssey to China because it will be over five years old by the time we get there, we went ahead and just bought another newer Odyssey.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Temple Spires

Because we lived in Northeast DC this time, we often passed the temple on the beltway.  Always stunning.  This is the kids trying to pose as the temple.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Camping

A different campground, this time in VA on the Potomac River, but same friends (and even better cabins). The highlight for Claire was catching and then SELLING a snake to some park employees. All of the kids loved playing on the banks of the river.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Backyard Baseball

This was our first house with a backyard, but because it wasn't completely fenced, backed onto an alley, and was FULL of mosquitoes from June-October, we didn't use it much. There were a few glorious weeks in the spring when we were able to get outside and play some baseball. Sylvie, especially, got into it.